

Jun. 30 – Gu Lab is moving to Zhejiang University. Welcome to Hangzhou!

Feb. 3 – Our glucose-responsive “Smart Insulin Patch 2.0" was published in Nature Biomedical Engineering and has been accepted in the FDA’s Emerging Technology Program for application of clinical trials.


Oct. 20 – Dr. Gu won the 2019 Felix Franks Medal by the Royal Society of Chemistry. This award is to encourage and recognize excellence in the application of chemical sciences to the study of any aspect of Biotechnology, drawing attention to the challenges for chemistry in the Biotechnology Industry.

Sep. 15 – Dr. Gu was elected by the Board of Controlled Release Society (CRS) as the CRS’s inaugural Ambassador to China.

Aug. 18 – Dr. Gu won this year’s Small Young Innovator Award supported by Wiley, together with Dr. Liangbing Hu at the University of Maryland.

Mar. 29 – Dr. Gu has been appointed as a new Director of NIH Biotechnology Training in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering Program at UCLA, supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS).

Mar. 25 – Dr. Gu has been elected to the College of Fellows of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) for his “contributions to advancing fundamental and technological innovations in the field of drug delivery.”

Jan. 7 – Our work on sprayable gel for post surgery cancer immunotherapy is highlighted as a cover paper on Nature NanotechnologyRead more…


May. 24 – Biomaterials Science Editorial Board selects Dr. Gu as the 2018 Biomaterials Science Lectureship awardee.

May. 24 – Yue Lu, Yuqi Zhang received 2018 NC State Dissertation & Research Awards. Congratulations!

Apr. 21 – Yue, Quanyin and Jicheng received the Chinese Government Award for Outstanding PhD Students Abroad! Congratulations!!!


Aug. 28 -The group says goodbye to Dr. Yue Lu.  Yue will begin her postdoc training at Prof. James Heath’s group. We will miss you Yue!!!

Jul. 28 – Dr. Gu was invited to serve as an Associate Editor of Nano ResearchRead more…

Jul. 18 – Dr. Gu received the Young Investigator Award of the Controlled Release Society (CRS). Congratulations! Read more…

July. 5 – Drs. Junjie Yan and Lulu Cai joined the iMedication Lab! Welcome on board!!!

Jun. 19 – Zenomics Inc., a Research Triangle Park startup co-founded by Dr. Gu, received a $5.8 million to continue translation efforts of ‘smart’ insulin devices. Read more…

Jun. 12 – Dr. Gu was selected as a runner-up of APEC Science Prize for Innovation, Research, and Education (ASPIRE) Competition by U.S. Department of State! Read more…


May 6 – Yanqi won the Best Paper Award at Analytical Instrumentation Facility Symposium! Congratulations!!!

May 6 – Dr. Gu received the 2017 Alcoa Foundation Engineering Research Achievement AwardRead more…

Apr. 28 – Wujin won the Chinese Government Award for Outstanding PhD Students Abroad! Congratulations!!!

May 6 – Jicheng Yu was honored with the Inaugural UNC Horizon Award. Congratulations!!! Read more…

Mar. 20 – Xiuli’s invited perspective on “stimuli-responsive polymersomes" was featured as a cover of Biomacromolecules! Congratulations!

Mar. 16 – Dr. Gu was named 2017 Health Care Hero by Triangle Business JournalRead more…

Jan. 28 – Chao‘s work on utilizing platelets for delivery of immune checkpoint inhibitors for post-surgical therapy has been published in Nature Biomedical EngineeringRead more…

Jan. 28 – Dr. Gu was invited to serve as an Editorial Board Member of Advanced BiosystemsRead more…

Jan. 5 – Dr. Edikan Archibong joined the iMedication Lab! Welcome on board!!! Edikan will be co-advised by Dr. Fran Ligler.


Oct. 28 – Yue‘s review paper on “Bioresponsive Materials" has been published in Nature Reviews MaterialsRead more…

July 18 – Yue received the Graduate Research Advances in Delivery Science Award from the Controlled Release Society (CRS)! Congratulations!!!

May 20 – Dr. Gu was selected as an invitee for the 2016 National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Frontiers in Engineering. Read more…

May 19 – Dr. Gu was invited to be a panelist in the 2016 NNI’s Strategic Planning Stakeholder Workshop. Read more…

May. 1  Dr. Gu was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure!

Apr. 30 – Drs. Zhaowei Chen and Xudong Zhang joined the BHEL! Welcome on board!!!

Apr. 28  Dr. Gu was invited to give a talk in the workshop on “Glucose-Responsive Insulin (GRI)" by JDRF.

Apr. 20  Jinrecieved 2016 UNC Chapel Hill Distinguished Dissertation Award! It recognizes the scholarly contributions of UNC-Chapel Hill doctoral students in their dissertation projects. The award highlights original and innovative work and is presented to only four students each year. Congratulations Jin!!! Read more…

Mar. 15  GOOD Magazine listed Dr. Gu as one of GOOD 100– “100 individuals who are improving the world through creativity and innovation”. Read more…

Feb. 26  Dr. Gu received a grant from JDRF and Sanofi for development of innovative smart insulin formulations. Thanks so much for JDRF and Sanof’s terrific support!!! Read more…

Feb. 22  Dr. Gu has received the 2016 Sloan Research Fellowship! Many thanks for the support from Alfred P. Sloan foundation! Read more…

Jan. 19  Dr. Gu was invited to give a talk in the 43rd Controlled Release Society (CRS) Annual Meeting in Seattle this July.

Jan. 18  Quanyin‘s work was featured by C&EN! Read more…

Jan. 12  Dr. Gu received the TraCS 4D Pilot Award. Congratulations! TraCS grant is supported by the NIH’s Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) program.

Jan. 8  Dr. Gu was invited to give a talk in the 1st symposium of the Chinese American Society of Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology (CASNN) in Beijing this July, chaired by Drs. Shawn Chen and Justin Jiang.


Dec. 24  Our “Smart Insulin Patch" was selected as one of “Top 10 Images of 2015" by ScienceMagazine! Read more…

Oct., 29 – Yue‘s work on “transformable liquid-metal nanomedicine" has been accepted by Nature Communications! Congratulations!!!

Oct. 28 – Dr. Gu was invited to be a keynote speaker at the ASME 5th NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology Conference, Houston, TX, 2016.

Oct. 24 – Dr. Gu was invited to give a talk at a “Therapeutic Peptide" Conference orgainized by Sanofi in Paris, France, 2016.

Sep. 25 – Dr. Gu was invited to give lecutres at a “Biodegradable and Bioresorbable Polymers Workshop" organized by Lucideon in Cambridge, England, 2015.

Sep. 10 – Jin got a position in InCube Labs, LLC in San Jose! Congratulations!!! Enjoy California Sunshine! We will miss you!!!

Sep. 5 – Dr. Gu was invited to give a video lecutre for Nagoya University in the end of this October.

Aug. 18 – Dr. Gu was awarded one of this year’s TR35 Global Top Young Innovators by MIT Technology Review! Congratulations! Read more…

Aug., 18 – Dr. Gu was selected as one of 2015 Young Innovators in Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering (CMBE)! He will give an invited talk in a special session in the BMES meeting. Congratulations!

Aug., 6 – Dr. Gu was selected in the program of ACademic Career Leadership Academy in Medicine (ACCLAIM) for his proposal of launching a SMART Therapeutics Center between UNC and NC State. Congratulations!!!

Aug., 5 – Jin ‘s work on “strech-triggered drug delivery band" has been accepted by ACS Nano. Congratulations!!!

Aug., 4 – Quanyin‘s work using platelet membrance-coated nanocarriers for anticancer drug delivery has been accepted by Advanced Materials and selected as a VIP paper. Congratulations!!!

Aug., 3 – Wujin‘s work on “CRISPR-CAS9 Delivery" has been accepted by Angewandte Chemie International Edition. Congratulations!!!

July 20 – Dr. Gu was selected to co-organize a Symposium on “Nanomedicines: Targeting and Clearance" for the 251th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, 2016, together with Dr. Jie Zheng, Dr. Jin Xie, Dr. Zhenjia Wang and Dr. Gang Han.

Jun. 29 – A team made by Dr. Gu and Dr. Bruce Cairns, the director of the North Carolina Jaycee Burn Center won $15,000 in a research speed-dating and pitch competition organized by the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. Their “Painkiller" team proposed several transformative ideas for delivery of painkiller. See press release.

Jun. 23 – Jicheng‘s work has been published on PNAS and received many media coverages, including Science‘s homepage headline news, Washiongton PostC&EN NewsThe TelegraphYahoo NewsChemistry World…Congratulations!!!

Jun. 2 – Dr. Gu was invited to give talk in the 75th ADA Annual Meeting in Boston.

Apr. 6 – Dr. Chao Wang joined the BHEL! Welcome on board!!

Mar. 5 – The BHEL joined the American Diabetes Association’s Stop Diabetes North Carolina VIP Social.

Mar. 4 – Dr. Gu was invited to give an invited lecture in the 17th International Drug Delivery Symposium, Salt Lake City, 2015

Feb. 18 – Denis‘s work on “dual-wavelength triggered cancer therapy" has been accepted by Nanoscale. Congratulations!!!

Feb. 12 – Tianyue and Ryan‘s work has been highlighted as a cover of Advanced Materials and received many media coverages! Congratulations!!!

Feb. 1 – Dr. Gu was accepted to join the UNC Department of Medicine (Endocrinology and Metabolism Division)!

Jan. 10 – Dr. Gu was invited to give talk in the 249th ACS National Meeting & Exposition in Denver.

Jan. 7 – Dr. Gu received a prestigeous Pathway Award from the American Diabetes Association! “This $1.625 million award supports a new generation of brilliant scientists at the peak of their creativity for diabtes research". See this year’s recipients listPress ReleaseNews & Observer Headline

Jan. 6 – As a Co-PI, Dr. Gu received the TraCS $50K Pilot Award for developing new anticancer formulation. Congratulations! TraCS grant is supported by the NIH’s Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) program.


Dec. 15 – Dr. Gu was selected as a BMES 2015 Young Innovator of Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering (CMBE). Congratulations!

Dec. 15 – BHEL’s 2nd Annual Research Awards were given to Jicheng Yu (1st Place) and Wujin Sun (2nd Place); 2nd Annual Presentation Awards were given to Yanqi Ye (1st Place) and Dennis Pacardo(2nd Place). All members did great job, but only 4 certificates were prepared…Congratulations!!! Again, we also greatly appreciate our Committee Chair-Dr. Fran Ligler’s support!

Nov. 18 – Dr. Gu was invited to give a talk on “Programmable Nanomedicine" in the Chemistry Department of University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

Nov. 12 – Tianyue and Ryan‘s work using graphene as a carrier for furin-mediated sequential delivery of TRAIL and Dox has been accepted by Advanced Materials! Congratulations!!!

Nov. 11 – Jin has been selected as a winner of 2015 UNC Chapel Hill Graduate Students IMPACT Award! This esteemed award is given to graduate students whose discoveries are making a difference. Jin’s work on “ultrasound-mediated insulin delivery" has attracted extensive attentions. See 2014’s winners: Congratulations Jin!!!

Nov. 10 – Our “Nanodaisy" for combination cancer therapy has been highlighted as the headline of NC State’s homepage.

Oct. 30 – Daisy and Jack’s review paper on “Glucose-Responsive Insulin Delivery" has been accepted by Progress in Chemistry! Congratulations!!!

Oct. 16 – Dr. Gu gave a talk for ADA’s donation event. Our research story on “Glucose-Responsive Insulin Delivery" has been highlighted on the homepage of HigherEducationWorks.

Oct. 15 – Wujin’s review paper on “Advances in Anticancer Protein Delivery Using Micro-Nanoparticles" has been published on Particle! Congratulations!!!

Oct. 15 – Wanyi’s work on “Glucose-Responsive Synthetic Vesicles for Insulin Delivery" has been published on Biomacromolecules and listed as a most-accessed article! Congratulations!!!

Oct. 13 – Wujin’s work on “Cocoon-Like Self-Degradable DNA-Nanoclew for Anticancer Drug Delivery" has been published on JACS and received many attentions! Congratulations!!!

Oct. 10 – Yue’s work on “Self-Folded Redox/pH Dual-Responsive Nanocarriers for Anticancer Drug Delivery" has been published on Chemical Communications! Congratulations!!!

Sep. 26 – Yanqi won the BEST Oral Presentaion Award in this year’s joint BME Department Retreat! Congratulations Yanqi!!! We are so proud of you!

Sep. 23 – Quanyin’s review paper on “Enzyme-Responsive Nanomaterials for Controlled Drug Delivery" has been published on Nanoscale! Congratulations!!!

Sep. 15 – Yue and Wujin’s review paper on “Stimuli-Responsive Therapeutic Protein Delivery" has been published on Journal of Controlled Release! Congratulations!!!

Sep. 15 – Dr. Ran Mo has obtained a full professor position in the China Pharmaceutical University. Congratulations Ran!!! We will miss you!

Sep. 14 – Dr. Gu was invited to give an oral presentation at the 249th American Chemical Society National Meeting.

Sep. 8 – Dr. Gu was invited to give a talk on “Glucose-Responsive Insulin" in Sanofi at Frankfurt.

Aug. 25 – Mr. Chip DeWitt (Director of American Diabetes Association (ADA))Mr. Jim Straight (Raleigh Director of ADA)Mr. Dave Rechet (Chairman of ADA Raleigh Board), Ms. Robin Diehl (NC State’s Director of Finance and Administration) visited BHEL!

Aug. 8 – Quanyin, Jicheng and Yuqi joined the BHEL! Welcome on board!!!

Aug. 4 – Our 2014 Summer Camp was successfully closed! We are very proud of our talented camp members!!! Also many thanks for our wonderful mentors: Dennis, Jin and Yue and members in Dr. Xiaoning Jiang’s lab!!!

Jul. 20 – Wanyi’s “NanoDaisy" published by Biomaterials has received many attentions! Read more…

Jul. 18 – Dr. Gu delivered invited talks in multiple institutes in China, including Tsinghua University, Nanjing University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing Medical University, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS and National Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. It was terrific meeting many friends there and many thanks for their host!

Jun. 16 – Gu Lab first Summer Camp for high school students opens!!!

May 12 – Ran’s study on liposomal fusion based stimuli-responsive drug delivery system has been published by Angewandte Chemie and received many attentions!! Read more…

May 9 – Wanyi‘s studies using novel block copolymers for cancer and diabetes treatment have been accepted by Biomaterials and Biomacromolecules! Congratulations!!!

May 8 – Rocco successfully passed his defense! Congratulations Rocco!!!

May 6  Dr. Gu was invited to be an Editorial Board Member of “Scientific Reports“.

Apr. 14  Dr. Gu has received the “Young Faculty Research Award" from the Sigma Xi Chapter of the Scientific Research Society at NC State. Congratulations!

Apr. 8 – Yanqi joined the BHEL! Welcome on board!

Mar. 27 – Dr. Gu was interviewd by “Bioconjugate Chemistry“. Read more…

Mar. 25 – Dr. Gu was selected to co-organize a Symposium on “Nanomaterials in Translational Medicine" for the MRS Spring 2015, together with Dr. Samir Mitragotri and Dr. Chenjie Xu.

Mar. 24 – Dr. Gu was interviewed by WNCT for research stories of the ultrasound-mediated insulin delivery (Jin’s work) and ATP-triggered anticancer drug delivery (Ran’s work).

Mar. 22 – Ran‘s work published on Nature Communicatons has been highlighted as a headline news of Nature’s homepage and featured by many media!

Mar. 22 – BHEL joined the Open House Day of COE. Thanks AdrianoJin and Rocco!

Mar. 20 – Dr. Gu was invited to give a talk on “smart drug delivery" in “RTP 180°”, which features speakers from the universities, RTP companies and community.

Mar. 10 – Ran and Tianyue‘s paper has been accepted by Angewandte Chemie International Edition! Congratulations Ran and Tianyue!!

Mar. 5 – Jin won the BEST Oral Presentation Award of the UNC University Graduate Research Day. Congratulations Jin!!

Mar. 1 – Dr. Gu was invited to write a Review Article on for Nanoscale.

Feb. 21 – Jin has received a student travel award for the 2014 International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound (ISTU) Conference! She will present her work on “Focused-Ultrasond-Triggered Insulin Delivery". Congratulations Jin!!

Feb. 6 – Dr. Gu was invited as a guest of Ms. Joni Aldrich for her esteemed international radio shows on cancer treatment.

Feb. 1 – Dr. Gu was invited to write an Editorial Article on “How Recent Progress in Multiple-Drug Delivery to Cancer Cells by Loposomes" for Nanomedicine.

Jan. 31 – Ran‘s paper has been accepted by Nature Communications! It will also be highlighted by the Nature’s website! Congratulations Ran!!

Jan. 31 – Dr. Gu received the “Junior Faculty Award" from the American Diabetes Association (ADA)! Congratulations! Thanks so much for ADA’s GREAT support!

Jan. 27 – Rocco was selected to present his exciting work on NC State’s 2014 Graduate Student Research Symposium. Congratulations!

Jan. 18 – Dr. Gu was interviewed by Materials Today, talking about “programmed targeting delivery" of anticancer drugs. Listen now…

Jan. 18 – Our research on “nanotechnology based insulin delivery" was featured by The Guardian.

Jan. 8 – Dr. Gu introduced his work about “organic material promises fewer insulin shorts", taken by AIP-Inside Scienct TV. See more…

Jan. 2 – Tianyue and Ran’s “Gelipo" has been published by Advanced Functional Materials! Congratulations! A gel-liposome (Gelipo)-mediated “Sequential and Site-Specific Delivery (SSSD)" system has been developed for programmed co-delivery of two anticancer therapeutics. Read more…The work has been featured by Molecular PharmaceuticsMaterials TodayMaterials ViewScience Daily, Kurzweilai,“Wiki"-Nanomedicine, News Observer, FierceDrugDeliveryTriangle Business Journal.


Dec. 8 – Jennifer and Michaela won NCSU’s Undergraduate Research Award Grants for the Spring of 2014! Congratulations!!

Aug. 8 – Dr. Gu was invited to deliver a talk on “Smart Insulin" in the Carolina Science Cafe series, supported by the NC Science Festival.

11/2013- Jin’s paper has been published by Advanced Healthcare Materials! Congratulations! A new insulin delivery method using the focused ultrasound as a remote trigger was developed. It has also been featured by Science Daily, The Guardian, UK Mail Daily, Kurzweilai, The Engineer. Read more…

Nov. 18 – Tianyue and Ran‘s paper has been accepted by Advanced Functional Materials! It will also be highlighted as a Cover Story! Congratulations!!

Nov. 12 – As a Co-PI, Dr. Gu won the Research Innovation Seed Fund (RISF) Award at NC State! The team includes Dr. Fran Ligler, Dr. Gufeng Wang and Dr. Gu. Congratulations!

Nov. 10 – Abby, Emily, Maggie and Michaela joined the BHEL! Welcome on board!

Nov. 1 – Dr. Gu was invited to speak at the 13th Annual Diabetes Technology Meeting in San Francisco. Thanks so much for the committee’s invitation!

Oct. 2 – Jin‘s paper has been accepted by Advanced Healthcare Materials! It will also be highlighted as a Cover Story! Congratulations!!

Oct. 1  Both Adriano and Vinayak‘s proposed research projects on “Biomimetic Anti-Cancer Drug Delivery Platform" and “Novel Drug Delivery Systems for Diabetes Treatment" won the Abrams Scholar Awards AGAIN! They will be paid to conduct research for the 2013-2014 academic year. There is also a total budget of $ 1000 for supplies to support their research projects.Congratulations!!

Sep. 16 – Dennis joined the BHEL! Welcome on board!

Sep. 9 – Dr. Gu was invited to give a talk on “Therapeutic Protein Delivery" in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at UCLA.

Aug. 12 – Wujin joined the BHEL! Welcome on board!

Aug. 7 – Dr. Gu was invited to give a talk on “Closed-Loop Drug Delivery" in the Department of Pharmaceutical Science at Campbell University.

Aug. 7 –Yue joined the BHEL! Welcome on board!

Aug. 6 – Dr. Gu received the TraCS $50K Pilot Award! Congratulations! TraCS grant is supported by the NIH’s Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) program.

Jul. 30  Dr. Gu was invited to give a talk on “Therapeutic Protein Delivery" in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at NCSU.

July. 18 – A new formulation for the closed-loop delivery of insulin using microgels was published on ACS Nano and reported by Science Daily, KurzweilaiWorldPharmaNews… The particles are smartly swelling in the hyperglycemic solution to release encapsulated insulin (see the animation below). The paper is one of the top 20 most read research articles in ACS Nano in July 2013. Read more…

Jul. 1  Feature in UNC Endeavors: The Nano-Network

Jun. 27  Dr. Gu was invited to give a talk on “Smart Insulin" in the Division of Endocrinology at UNC.

Jun. 6  Dr. Gu delivered multiple invited talks in China and Singapore and met many friends there. Many thanks for their host!

May. 28 –“Injectable Nano-Network for Glucose-Mediated Insulin Delivery" was highlighted as a Cover Paper of ACS Nano and reported by TIME MagazineScience Daily, C&ENMIT NewsScience Translational Medicine and Nano Today. The paper is one of the top 5 most read research articles in ACS Nano from 2012 to 2013. read more…

May. 15  Dr. Gu won the NC State Faculty Research and Professional Development Award. Congratulations!

May. 10  Okello joined the BHEL! Welcome on board!

Apr. 15  Dr. Gu was accepted to join the “NANO @ NC State".

Mar. 16 – BHEL joined the Open House Day of COE.


Dec. 10  Jennifer joined the BHEL! Welcome on board!

Nov. 2  BHEL had our first group meeting and took our first group picture.

Nov. 1  Dr. Gu was accepted to join the Center for Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery (CNDD) at UNC.

Oct. 25  Dr. Gu chaired one session in the “Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering Track" in the 2012 BMES meeting (Atlanta).

Oct. 18  Ran and Tianyue joined the BHEL! Welcome!

Oct. 1  Congratulations! Both Adriano and Vinayak‘s proposed research projects on “Biomimetic Anti-Cancer Drug Delivery Platform" and “Novel Drug Delivery Systems for Diabetes Treatment" won the Abrams Scholar Awards. They will be paid to conduct research for the 2012-2013 academic year. There is also a total budget of $ 1000 for supplies to support their research projects.

Oct. 1  Dr. Wang and Jin joined the BHEL! Welcome!

Sep. 26  Dr. Gu was accepted to join the Division of Molecular Pharmaceutics in UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy as an adjunct professor.

Sep. 20  Adriano and Vinayak joined the BHEL! Welcome!

Sep. 10 – Wanyi and Rocco joined the BHEL! Welcome!

Sep. 2 – Dr. Gu joined the Diabetes Center in the Medical School at UNC-CH.

Aug. 16 – The Gu Lab (BHEL) opens!