We drive for smart insulin delivery!
A farewell party to Prof. Junjie Yan, 2018
With Dr. Fran Ligler and Dr. Edikan Archibong (also supported by Sloan Foundation), 2017
Part of the group meeting- watch "total solar eclipse", 2017
Chancellor Randy Woodson and Dean Louis A. Martin-Vega at NC State visited iMedication Lab, 2017
Presented together with Joint BME Chair- Dr. Nancy Allrbitton in NC State Board Meeting, met Mr. Jerry Jackson in that meeting, 2016
Dr Gu and Dr. Bruce Cairns won the 1st place prize of the 1st UNC "Speed-Dating" of the Clinical and Engineering, 2016
With Dr. John Buse, during an interview at UNC, 2016
Group welcomes new member- Anderson Gu, 2015
1st Picture of iMedication Lab, Aug. 2012